If your domain is registered with VARiHOST, to edit nameservers do the following:

  1. Login to your customer account: https://customers.vari.host/login
  2. Click 'manage domain names' in the left menu.
  3. Click the 'manage' link next to your domain name.
  4. The domain control panel will open and you'll see the 'Change nameservers' option here. Click this and enter your required nameservers.
  5. Click 'update'.

Please note that changing your domains nameservers means you are pointing your domains DNS to another provider.  Your web, email and any other configured services with VARiHOST will stop working, unless you've setup provision with your new DNS provider.

You can also usually access your domain control panel by going to: http://dm.vari.host

Enter your domain and hosting control panel password to login.

If you have any problems, please submit a support ticket to get your nameservers changed.